Robert Kiyosaki of "Rich Dad" fame.

Robert Kiyosaki Knows His Marketing

So I guess it takes an international business celebrity to make the point, and hit home a little harder. Maybe I ought to write a book or dozen (ahem) too… I was reading the latest copy of Entrepreneur Magazine today, and I flipped it open to see one my heroes, Robert Kiyosaki, talking about the […]

Pricing is marketing – here’s how/why…

Marketing is far more than just your promotional activities (see diagram), and one clear example of what I’m talking about can be found in pricing and the resulting market positioning. Example: You are in the market for a consultant and find two. One asks $100 per hour, the other $300 per hour. Otherwise, they appear […]

Summer Lovin’

Summer is upon us. Planning on working only part time this summer, or taking 3 day weekends all season? If so, consider the cost. Would you have a far more profitable fall if you planted some marketing seeds now? Would you be all that much more successful if you put that day off towards working […]

Unique creativity – tailored to me?

While most artists refuse to paint the same picture twice, the same goes for our graphic designers and their creations. While engineering our client’s projects, nothing we do is “cookie cutter” or template based; nor does it strongly resemble our last projects. Everything we do is unique and custom designed for each client and project. […]

When to integrate PR – and what it means.

PR, when most effective, is almost always going to be used as a vehicle to solidify your other marketing efforts. This means that most often, PR is not a standalone service, but rather, it is factored into your marketing strategy as an integral part of the whole picture. While anyone can do PR, its really […]

Regular Marketing = Regular Cash Flow

How many people do you know that only market their businesses when things get slow and the pipeline dries up? This is all too common, unfortunately, and it really needs to stop. Your business is not a rollercoaster (even though it may feel like one) and it’s not a healthy way to grow. Allow me […]

Quick Easy Rule for Effective Marketing Pieces

To get the optimal ROI (return on investment) for your marketing dollars, when creating a marketing piece, keep this rule in mind: You must be able to read the headline OUT LOUD in less than 4 seconds, the sub-header in less than 8, and effectively tell your story in a few simple words.

Branching Out: Adapting for Success

What worked 20 years ago may not work today. The market will always change and evolve. If your brand identity does not change and evolve with the market and its buying trends, your business will not stand out, will not be recognized as the solution, and it will be left behind.

Standing Out in an Ever-Increasingly Competitive Marketplace

This article is dedicated to companies that are in overly saturated markets of any kind – the same principles apply to products and services alike. Business owners often find themselves struggling with how they are different, and many eventually conclude (rightly), that there is NO difference. From there, the typical responses are either/or getting discouraged, […]