Happy New Year Hanging Baubles

7 Important Resolutions for 2011

Doing the same thing while expecting different results is the definition of insanity!  Therefore, we should resolve to do some things a little differently. Here are the things I suggest considering for your business: Step outside your comfort zone and explore new marketing possibilities that you may not have been willing to consider in 2010.  […]
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Omnipresence Found in LogMeIn

OK, so what do you do when you’re the owner of the company, the buck stops with you, you’re pretty much expected to be omnipresent – and you get sick? Now, I don’t mean “I have the sniffles” kind of sick – I mean the kind where you feel like someone’s run you over with […]

Marketing on the Cheap – Social Networking

I just answered a great question on LinkedIn about marketing on the cheap and I thought you might be interested (since soooo many people want to know the answer to that same question). Enjoy! The asker posed: “Marketing/Advertising at low costs? I have recently opened my real estate company in Dubai would like to know […]