Why Awards are an Important Part of Your Marketing

Collection of awards and collateral from 40 Under Forty program.

Every business and every employee within like to be recognized for their greatness. For some, it’s something that drives us; for others, it’s simply an appreciated side-product of their hard work. Regardless, for a business, an award is a marketing opportunity with short and long-term potential to help drive more customers, clients, and partnerships to their door. Capitalizing on your awards takes a plan and marketing tools but is always worth it. Let’s learn how.

Speaking from Experience: Julia Becker Collins and 40 Under Forty

While we’ve helped many clients promote their businesses’ own awards, the most recent example comes from our own Chief Operating Officer, Julia Becker Collins. Last month, she was honored with the Worcester Business Journal’s 40 Under Forty Award, which highlights the entrepreneurial movers and shakers of the Central Massachusetts area. We made sure to highlight the honor not only as a feather in the cap of Vision Advertising but to promote Julia’s own brand as well, as it is strongly tied to that of our company.

Promoting the Award: Nominations, Before, During, and After

There are four major parts to any award marketing. While you can certainly skip steps, each part plays a key (in some cases vital) part of the award itself.

Nomination for Awards

While some awards are given out, the vast majority must be sought out. Some take simple registration, some take nominations, and some even take fees. It’s important to assess the awards in your area and industry before taking the proper measures. If the award takes nominations (usually in the form of online submissions), marketing is key. Make sure to have a list of those you think would nominate your business or the individual within it and think about providing some reasons why you’re the perfect fit.

Before the Award

While there’s the old saying about counting chickens, even the suspense leading up to the award can be a good event to market. If the awards have a set of finalists or an award ceremony, make sure to promote those ahead of time. Even if your company isn’t the victor, you can point to the nomination as a mark of pride and quality – and a reason to use your services.

During the Award

The award ceremony, the letter of award, or unpacking whatever physical embodiment the award takes on, these are all great marketing opportunities, especially on social media where timeliness is key. Make sure to document with photos and video this momentous event and share it far and wide.

After the Award

This is a great time to think about writing a press release. Where you’ll send it depending on the scope of the award (local, regional, country, industry, etc.). Also, share it repeatedly on social media (make sure to use multiple sets of photos) and see about using the notoriety to get speaking engagements such as interviews talking about the award. And, of course, make sure to have it on your business’s website as a mark of expertise and success.

Marketing Tools to Get the Most Out of Your Award

While we’ve mentioned many of these marketing tools above, let’s dive more into each marketing method and how to make the most of it.

  • Press Releases: An award is almost always newsworthy, so see about pitching it as an article to publications. Local papers, industry-specific agencies, and those on business in general are all good fits. Timing for press releases is key, so make sure to have them ready to go for the award.
  • Social Media: Social media shines when posts are both timely and reasons to celebrate. Often awards (especially those targeting individuals in your business) are a fantastic time to bring your leadership into your social media marketing to post from their own profiles.
  • Website: Make sure to promote this on your website. If you’ve collected a few awards, think about an awards page or a banner on your home page or about page. If it’s focused on an individual, make sure to include it on the staff page.
  • Interviews: An award can make a great leaping off point for additional marketing. Ask about conducting interviews or podcasts about your award, which become a great transition into your expertise and services.
  • Guest Blogs: Blogs are a great SEO tool in general, but much like with interviews, use your award to get a guest slot on another platform. Inbound links to your website are a good SEO tool and source of referrals.

Here at Vision Advertising, we approach everything with an eye on marketing. We offer full and comprehensive marketing plans, including social media, website design, PR, and more. If you’re interested in promoting your business, from finding possible award options to promoting them with press releases, we can help. Contact us today to get started.

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About the author : Alex Geyer

Alex wears many hats, and not just because he’s bald. A writer by background, Alex writes “content” for Vision – anything from social media statuses to blogs to website copy and beyond. In addition, as Senior Brand Strategist, he builds and maintains all search engine advertising for Vision, manages multiple client projects, and herds many meetings. In his free time, he starts and stops writing novels, reads a copious amount of fiction, plays video games, and an enthusiastic chef at home. He’s trying to become a better plant daddy.

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