COVID-19 Weekly Roundup: Fifteenth Installment

Coronavirus molecules surrounding silhouettes of people with"COVID-19 Weekly Roundup" written over topThe Baker–Polito Administration continues to respond to the state’s slow but steady increase in COVID-19 cases. With many school districts reopening in Massachusetts this week, some of the administration’s priorities have been shifted toward keeping students and teachers safe. Furthermore, the Commonwealth is allocating further resources to communities and unemployed citizens who continue to be hit the hardest by the virus. Learn more about Massachusetts’ weekly COVID-19 response in our latest installment.

Massachusetts Launches COVID-19 Back-To-School Ad Campaign

With many Massachusetts students returning to school this week, education officials have launched a statewide ad campaign aimed at providing tips for students, teachers, and parents to remain healthy. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will fund television, radio, social media, billboard, and public transit ads designed to educate the public on safe practices and how to spot the symptoms of COVID-19. The campaign’s webpage has links to additional helpful resources, such as school reopening guidance and medial officials’ answers to common questions.

Governor Baker Announces Campaign Targeted at Highest Risk Cities

Governor Baker introduced a campaign last week aimed at helping five communities presenting persistently high COVID-19 cases. The efforts of the state’s COVID Enforcement and Intervention Team –discussed in our eleventh installment – will be ramped up in Chelsea, Everett, Lawrence, Lynn, and Revere. In addition to the increased intervention of authorities responding to unsafe practices, the campaign will consist of digital advertising, multi-lingual field teams, billboard ads, phone and text outreach, and collaboration with local organizations. Find out more on the campaign’s dedicated page.

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Claimants to Receive Lost Wages Assistance

Massachusetts’ application to receive additional grant funding for claimants qualifying for the federal Lost Wages Supplemental Payment Assistance program was approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Unemployment claimants seeking assistance for the weeks of August 1st, 8th, and 15th are now eligible to receive an additional $300 in weekly payments for those dates. Massachusetts’ application for the week of August 22nd is still under review by FEMA. To discover more about unemployment benefits, visit’s COVID-19 and Unemployment page.

Massachusetts’ weekly COVID-19 response has seemingly shifted from proposing legislation to increasing statewide awareness. As a business owner, you must also be aware of how to protect yourself, your employees, and your patrons from the virus. You can do so by regularly checking in on recent COVID-19 developments and preparing yourself and your team for the new business reality. If you need help rethinking your business strategy, Vision Advertising is here to guide you. Contact us today to see how we can help you succeed during this time of uncertainty.

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About the author : Alex Geyer

Alex wears many hats, and not just because he’s bald. A writer by background, Alex writes “content” for Vision – anything from social media statuses to blogs to website copy and beyond. In addition, as Senior Brand Strategist, he builds and maintains all search engine advertising for Vision, manages multiple client projects, and herds many meetings. In his free time, he starts and stops writing novels, reads a copious amount of fiction, plays video games, and an enthusiastic chef at home. He’s trying to become a better plant daddy.

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